Dean of Quality Assurance (IQAC)

Dean of Quality Assurance (IQAC)

Dr. Vishal Hingmire
Dean Quality Assurance (IQAC)

Contact: 8482875175


TheInternal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at AGCE is committed to ensuring continuous improvement in the academic and administrative functioning of the institution. Established as part of the university's broader vision to enhance the quality of education and research, the IQAC operates under the leadership of the Dean to promote a culture of quality and excellence throughout the institution.

Our primary goal is to develop and implement systems that monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of academic and non-academic processes. By encouraging a collaborative approach among faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders, the IQAC works to ensure that the institution meets national and international standards of quality.

At AGCE the IQAC’s role is integral to our mission of fostering a dynamic, learner-centric environment while striving for academic excellence. Through strategic planning, consistent assessment, and feedback-driven improvements, the IQAC ensures that the institution evolves in line with the best practices in higher education.