Department of Electrical Engineering
DTE Choice Code

Dr. Banoth Meghya Nayak
Head of Department
Electrical Engineering is the Power Department of the Arvind Gavali College of Engineering. The department has all UGC approved faculty members. Also, the department has well-equipped laboratories. With the growing demand for Electrical Engineers in the Government and private sectors, the Department is making the best efforts to produce highly trained and capable engineers who can take up the challenges of the real world. The quality of academic instructions, conduct guidelines, and college activities are designed to produce competent and successful engineers. In the Department, the focus is on preparing professional engineers. Academic standards and practical work are the two key parameters. To execute this parameter the department has taken the Initiatives to provide industrial work exposure by sending the students for training to make them fit for future professional challenges. This orientation has led to successful projects and training. For extra curriculum activities, the Departmental Students Association in Electrical Engineering (SAEE) has been established by the students. This association conducts various technical and cultural events regularly. Digitized Learning Environment is provided to our students through MOODLE.
“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today…!!! “
Vision of Institute :
- To be the centre for developing professional and skilled Electrical Engineers, by providing quality education to solve industrial and social problems.
Mission of Institute :
We, at department of Electrical Engineering, are committed to achieve our vision by,
- M1: To impart quality education in electrical engineering using effective teaching learning Process.
- M2: To develop skills & attitude to achieve a successful career.
- M3: To inspire students for becoming socially committed professionals with ethical values.
Vision of Department:
- To be the center for developing professional and skilled Electrical Engineers, by providing quality education to solve industrial and social problems.
Mission of Department :
The department is committed to imbibe and empower its faculty and aspiring engineers with:
- M1: To impart quality education in electrical engineering using effective teaching learning process.
- M2: To develop skills & attitude to achieve a successful career.
- M3: To inspire students for becoming socially committed professionals with ethical values.