Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 2023-24

It is indeed a pleasure to nominate you as a coordinator and member of the IQAC committee. I would appreciate your active participation and whole hearted support for the smooth functioning of the institute at all levels, enabling us to achieve and fulfill the vision and the promise of our institute. Following are the nominated committee members.

Sr.No Name of the Member Designation Contact No.
1 Dr. Sharad S. Mulik, Principal Chairperson 9850992250
2 Dr. Vishal S. Hingmire, Associate Professor, Dean (Quality Assurance) Senior Teacher as Coordinator 8482875175
3 Mr. Vaibhav Raut Management Representative 9822525996
4 Mr. Nitin U. Kanase, Registrar Senior Administrative Officer 8975903900
5 Mr. Manish Shah Industry Nominee 9823266887
6 Mr. O. R. Waikar Industry Nominee 9225519589
7 Dr. AbhishekPatange Industry Nominee 8329347107
8 Mr. Hitendra Patel Industry Nominee 9820222142
9 Mr. Rohit B. Bhole Alumni Nominee 9665713423
10 Ms. ManishaGavali Alumni Nominee 8975922887
11 Mr. Pratap K. Bhosale Parent Nominee 7972546187
12 Dr. Hanmant V. Shete, Professor, Dean (Student affairs) Member 9823925440
13 Dr. Varsha K. Bhosale, Professor, HOD (CSE) Member 7972090353
14 Dr. Avinash N. Khadtare, Associate Professor, HOD (Mechanical) Member 9665599467
15 Dr. Nayak B. M., Associate Professor, HOD (Electrical) Member 7775966294
16 Dr. Madhuri More, Associate Professor Member 8208120316
17 Mr. Suhas P. Patil, Asst. Professor, Dean (Academics) Member 9860928844
18 Mr. Suraj S. Ghadage, Asst. Professor Member 8830714052