Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

Maharashtra State Candidature : A Candidate can claim only one type of Maharashtra State Candidature Type i.e. from Type A to E.

Type Eligibility Criterion Home University
Type-A (i) Candidates passing HSC or passing diploma in Engineering or Technology or Pharmacy or Diploma of Vocation and also Qualifying Examination from a recognized institution in Maharashtra State
(ii)Candidate who is either Domicile of Maharashtra and/or is born in Maharashtra;
Place of passing of Qualifying Examination falling within the jurisdiction of the respective University area.
Type-B A Candidate who does not fall in Type A above, but who or whose father or mother is domiciled in the State of Maharashtra and possesses domicile certificate. Place of domicile certificate issuing authority falling within the jurisdiction of the respective University area.
Type-C A Candidate who does not fall in either Type A or Type B but whose father or mother is an employee of the Government of India or Government of India Undertaking and who has been posted and reported to duty in Maharashtra State before the last date for submitting the Application Form for CAP. Place of posting of father or mother of Candidate falling within the jurisdiction of the respective University area
Type-D A Candidate who does not fall in any of the above Type A, Type B and Type C but whose father or mother is an employee or retired employee of the Government of Maharashtra or Government of Maharashtra Undertaking. Place of posting of father or mother of Candidate or the place of settlement of the father or mother if retired or the place of last posting if deputed outside Maharashtra falling within the jurisdiction of the respective University area.
Type-E Candidates passing HSC or passing diploma in Engineering or Technology or Pharmacy or Diploma of Vocation and also Qualifying Examination from a recognised institution located in Maharashtra Karnataka Border Area or from Maharashtra, residing in the Maharashtra Karnataka Border Area and whose mother tongue is Marathi.
Explanation,- the Maharashtra Karnataka Border Area includes the villages declared by the State government for that purpose..
Candidate shall be considered for the Outside Home University or State Level Seats.