Goverment Scholarships
Social Justice and Special Assistance Department (SC)
- Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship
- Post-Matric Tuition Fee and Examination Fee (Freeship)
- Maintenance Allowance for student Studying in professional courses
- Post-Matric Scholarship for persons with disability
Tribal Development Department (ST)
- Post Matric Scholarship Scheme (Government Of India )
- Tuition Fee & Exam Fee for Tribal Students ( Freeship)
OBC, SEBC, VJNT & SBC Welfare Department
- Post Matric Scholarship to OBC Students
- Post Matric Scholarship to SBC Students
- Post Matric Scholarship to VJNT Students
- Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to OBC Students
- Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to SBC Students
- Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to VJNT Students
- Payment of Maintenance Allowance to VJNT and SBC Students Studying in Professional Courses and Living in Hostel Attached to Professional Colleges
Director of Technical Education (EBC)
- Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna
- Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna
- Scholarship Scheme for State Minority Communities Pursuing Higher Professional Education/All Post H.S.C Courses
Private Scholarships
- Nurturing Brilliance Cummins Scholarship Program
- M. Tech in Construction Technology & Management through L&T’s Build India Scholarship
- Foundation for Academic Excellence & Access (FAEA)
- K. C. Mahindra Education Trust Scholarship
- Siemens Scholarship Program - Empowering the Future
- LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship
- Nurturing Brilliance Cummins Scholarship
- Reliance Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships
Late Shri. Kondiram Sawkar Scholarship for Brilliant & Poor Students
Private Scholarships

Congratulations for being selected in LIC Golden Jubliee Foundation Scholarship-2023

Congratulations for being selected in Nurturing Brilliance Commins Scholarship

Congratulations for being selected in Nurturing Brilliance Commins Scholarship 2022-23

Congratulations for being selected in Nurturing Brilliance Commins Scholarship 2021-22

Congratulations for being selected for LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme and Mahindra Finance KCMET Scholorship 2022-23

Congratulations for being selected for Reliance Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship 2022-23

Congratulations for being selected in KC Mahindra Scholarship 2022-23

Congratulations for being selected in 2021 Cummins Scholarship Program